05 May

Dental sedation, also known as anesthetic dentistry, is a dental process involving the administration of various sedatives, usually through an oral route, to facilitate a dental process and thus reduce patients' anxiety associated with the experience. Note that the sedation dentistry can be administered for various dental procedures including dental phobia, anxiety or pain that is associated with dental procedures. Other dental causes for sedation may include procedures such as dental implants or surgery. The level of sedation used depends on the needs of the patient and the dentist.

During dental sedation, the patient remains unconscious but is still responsive to dental care and can respond to dental treatment. This enables dentists to perform dental procedures with relatively more care and less discomfort for the patient. The sedation can also help dentists reduce the number of dental procedures that a patient must undergo. While a patient may need only a few procedures, some may need a variety of procedures and some may experience pain after procedures. Dentists rely on providing quality dental care and confidence in patients so when dental sedation is used they are able to provide this for their patients. 

A dentist who uses dental sedation will place the patient in a reclining chair or bed and will place an IV line in the neck and circulate a sedative throughout the body. The sedative will cause the patient to relax their muscles so that they can focus on the dental procedure. This enables the dentist to perform the procedures without the patient becoming anxious or stress about the procedure. Sedation has allowed dentists to perform dental procedures without the distraction of a patient, which is usually caused by anxiety or fear.  Here is some information about the Cedar Village Dentistry.

There are many people that have experienced traumatic dental procedures. Some of these may include extraction of teeth or hygienic procedures that may require sutures in order to be completed. These individuals may feel anxiety and stress from the procedures. Dental sedation can be used as an effective way to relieve the anxiety that is caused by these types of traumatic dental procedures.

Dental anxiety can be extremely disruptive to a patient's daily routine. In some cases, patients have suffered from headaches, nausea and even panic attacks after dental work. Dentists are able to use a sedative to calm the patient and prevent additional dental problems from occurring. Anxiety can interfere with a dentist's ability to deliver oral care. When dental procedures are interrupted due to anxiety, it is more likely that the patient will suffer from an oral emergency or an accident at home afterwards.

The sedatives are usually given through an IV, and the doses are customized to the patient's needs. Some sedatives are anti-anxiety pills that are taken to reduce memory impairment and anxiety. Other sedatives are used to treat pain. No matter what the reason for the sedation, it is imperative that the doctor who administers it fully discloses all of the risks and side effects. Sedation dentistry has become more common in recent years because it has been found to be effective in treating a number of dental ailments. However, it is always important to discuss all aspects of this procedure with your dentist before you make any sort of decision regarding this procedure.  
Check out this post for more information on this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_sedation_dentistry.

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